Seoul National University Alumni Association in Chicago

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Board of Directors Meeting
October 3, 2004

The Board approved . . . .

Yonhee Park Han

The board has approved the recommendation of the President Selection Committee (Chair Kee Nam Chang) to nominate Yonhee Park Han (Nurs 65G) as SNUAA Chicago 2006 President (President Elect in 2005). The nominee will be presented to the 2004 General Assembly Meeting (11/27/04) for approval.

Young Kook Kang

President Elect, Young Kook Kang (2005 President) recommended and the Board approved to nominate following 2005 officers and auditors:

2005 Auditors:
Young Kyu Park (Agri 61G)
Hyun Jae Ihm (Med 65 G)

2005 Vice Presidents:
Young Kim (Las 70G)
Young Ho Kim (Med 77G)

The nominees will be presented to the 2004 General Assembly Meeting (11/27/04) for approval.

Scholarship in Memory of Dr. Thomas H. Kim (Med 47G) . .
SNU College of Medicine Alumni Association in Chicago (SNUCMA) has contributed $1,000 to SNUAA Chicago Scholarship Fund to be awarded as scholarship to honor late Dr. Thomas Hyunkyu Kim (Med 47G).

The Board approved the concept of "Designated Scholarship", so anyone who contributes $1,000 and more to the SNUAA Chicago Scholarship Fund (IRS - 501(c) 3 Charitable Organization) can designate the scholarship.

The $1,000 contributed from SNUCMA Chicago will be awarded as
"SNUAA Chicago Scholarship in Memory of Dr. Thomas H. Kim".

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