Seoul National University Alumni Association in Chicago

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SNUAA Chicago - History


Photo Album for Members

2004 Year End Meeting and Party
November 27, 2004 The Hyatt Lodge at McDonald Office Campus

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2004 General Meeting, Scholarship Award, Annual Ball
click the photo for a larger view

President Hyunil Juhn

2004 Scholarship Award

2004 Scholarship Recipients

Appreciation Award to 2003 President Kee Nam Chang

2006 President Elect Yonhee Park

2005 Officers

2005 President Young Kook Kang

2005 Officers

Presenting a Gift to Dr. Yoon Berm Kim

Dr. Yoon Berm Kim

Aesop Rhim

Dr. & Mrs. Yoon Berm Kim

Mr. & Mrs. Young Hwan Cho

Scholarship Recipient - Sung-Hyon Rhim

Scholarship Recipient -
Suah Jessie Cho

Scholarship Recipient -
Jae-Yon Lee

Scholarship Recipient - Michelle Lee

Scholarship Recipient - Christine H. Ahn

Scholarship Recipient -
Seonhee Jeong

Scholarship Recipient family

Scholarship Recipients & President Juhn

VP Chiyong Whang with Scholarship Recipient

Kap joon No, Hee Soo Choi with Scholarship Recipient




노래하는 정철과 그의 악단

Mrs. Charlotte Kim with scholarship recipients

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