서울대 동문 음악회
특별 초청: 이경선 서울 음대 교수 (바이올린)
performed by SNU School of Music Alumns
Featuring Kyungsun Lee, Professor of Seroul National University
프로그램 북 | 연주자 소개 | 연주 동영상 보기 | 연주회 사진첩
감사합니다 |
시카고 음대 동문들이 한국의 이경선 동문 (바이올리니스트, 현 서울대음대교수)를 초청하여 시카고서울대 장학기금 모금 행사로 갖는 특별 음악회에 동문, 동문 친지, 친구 및 일반 음악 애호가님들께서 Recial Hall 을 꽉 채우게 참석하셔서 아름다운 음악회를 잘 마쳤습니다.
참석하신 여러분들과 후원해 주신 여러분들께 감사드립니다.
이번 연주를 위해 한국에서 특별히 오신 이경선 연주자님께 특별히 감사드립니다.
귀하고 바쁜시간을 내어 장학금 기금 마련 동창회 음악회를 위해 연습하고 준비하고 훌륭한 연주를 선사해 주신 모든 연주자님들께 감사드립니다.
뒤에서 음악회의 모든것을 맡아 계획하고 준비하고 또 많은 동문들이 이 아름다운 음악회를 놓치지 않도록 매일 전화로 연락해 주어 성공적인 음악회로 만들어 주신 행사 담당자 김연화 부회장 (음대 동창회장) 과 이소정 동문께 감사드립니다.

일시: 2014년 10월 4일 토요일 오후 4시
장소: 노스이스턴 일리노이 대학교 리사이틀 홀
3701 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Chicago, IL 60625
초청 연주자:
이경선 (바이올리니스트, 음대 84 현 서울음대교수),
장성찬, 첼리스트,
Teddy Niedermaier, 작곡가, 피아니스트,
바이올린: 홍용희 (음대 82), 이은영 (음대 86), 김상균 (음대 97), 백선기 (음대 99)
첼로: 김은경 (음대 82), Cecilia Ham
피아노: 이소정 (음대 84), 김귀염 (음대 93)
성악: 김기봉 (음대 87), 라은실 (음대 87)
작곡가: 김미숙 (음대 82),
비올라: 박미주 줄리아, Jonas Benson
바이올리니스트 이경선은서울음대 (84학번) 졸업 후 도미하여 피바디 음대와 줄리어드 대학원에서 석사와 전문연주자 과정을 마쳤으며 세계 최고의 콩쿠르인 차이코프스키 콩쿠르에 입상 후 미국 오벌린 대학과 휴스턴 대학 교수 역임, 현재는 서울음대 교수로 재직하면서 전세계적으로 연주 활동을 하고 있습니다. '워싱턴 포스트' 지로부터 "정경화 이후 가장 장래가 촉망되는 한국의 바이올리니스트"라는 평가를 받았고, 대한민국 문화 홍보 대사, 한국을 알린 음악가로서 대통령상 표창을 받았으며 올해 9월 초 46대 난파 음악상 수상자의 영예를 안았습니다.

이번 음악회의 후반부를 장식할 그의 레퍼토리는 헨델-할버슨의 파사칼리아(첼리스트 장성찬과 2중주), 아렌스키의 피아노 트리오(첼로-장성찬, 피아노-이소정), 그리고 한국 작곡가 김한기의 '고향의 봄' 주제에 의한 현악 합주곡입니다.
이경선과 함께 헨델의 파사칼리아를 연주할 첼리스트 장성찬은 첼로계의 떠오르는 샛별. 줄리어드 예비학교를 거쳐 한국예술종합학교, 줄리어드 대학원, 예일대학교 연주자 과정을 졸업한 후 현재 노스웨스턴 대학교 박사 과정 중에 있으며, 한국과 미국의 많은 콩쿠르를 석권하였고 2012년 금호아트홀이 선정한 라이징 스타로 선정된 후 장래가 촉망되는 연주자로 자신의 음악세계를 알려가고 있습니다.
이번 음악회의 하이라이트는 누가 보아도 서울음대 교수 이경선 동문의 무대이지만 이에 못지않게 뜻깊은 프로그램이 음악회의 전반부에서 펼쳐집니다. 시카고에 거주하는 서울음대 동문들 ---- 바이올린에 홍용희 (82), 이은영 (86), 김상균 (97), 백선기 (99) 동문, 첼로에 김은경(82), 이수정(86) 동문, 피아노에 이소정(84), 김귀염(93) 동문, 성악에 김기봉(87), 라은실(87) 동문이 모두 장학 사업에 뜻을 같이 하여 연주에 참여합니다.
작곡가인 김미숙 (82) 동문이 "청솔 그늘에 앉아" 라는 한국 가곡을 이번 음악회를 위해 특별 작곡하여 주셨고 김기봉 동문이 초연할 예정입니다.

마지막으로 소개할 초청 연주자는 Teddy Niedermaier. 작곡가이자 피아니스트인 테디는 루스벨트 음대의 신임 교수로서 백선기 동문의 남편입니다. 본인의 작품 "파랑새"와 "밀양아리랑"을 바이올리니스트인 부인과 함께 연주합니다. 피아노 연주곡인 "파랑새"와 바이올린과 피아노 연주곡인 "밀양아리랑"은 제 11회 세종음악경연대회 (2014년 12월) 에서 지정곡으로 사용하기 위하여 세종문화회로 부터 의뢰 받아서 작곡한 곡들이며 이번 음악회에서 처음으로 선 보입니다.
한국과 시카고에서 활동하는 정상급 초청 연주자들과 재시카고 서울음대 동문들이 함께 어우러져 만들어 낼 10월 4일 음악회! 기악과 성악, 독주와 합주, 그리고 클래식과 현대 음악이 공존하는 이번 음악회가 많은 선후배 동문들과 지인들에게 큰 즐거움과 의미를 선사할 수 있을 것으로 확신합니다.
음악회에 참석하실 분은 김호범 회장님께 이메일이나 전화로 알려 주시면 됩니다. 음악회장이 170 석 밖에 되지 않아 매진될 수도 있겠으니 조속히 알려 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 티켓은 50불이며 좌석은 오픈입니다.
행복한 9월 되시고 10월 4일 토요일 4시 음악회장에서 뵙겠습니다.
이소정 드림
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연주자 소개 |
Kyung Sun Lee |
Violinist Kyung Sun Lee captured sixth prize in the 1994 Tchaikowsky Competition, a bronze medal in the 1993 Queen Elizabeth Competition, first prizes of the Washington and D'Angelo International Competitions, and third prize in the Montreal International Competition, where she also won the Audience Favorite and the Best Performance of the Commissioned Work prizes. She has received high critical acclaim: “Exceptional tonal suavity and expressive intensity in equal measure,” commented The Strad. “Godard's ‘Concerto Romantique’ could not have had a more outstanding soloist than Kyung Sun Lee,” proclaimed Harris Goldsmith in the New York Concert Review. “Fluidity and grace; pathos and emotion,” raved the Palm Beach Post.
In addition to her busy schedule as soloist and chamber musician, Lee is an accomplished teacher and clinician. After becoming Assistant Professor of Violin at the Oberlin Conservatory in the fall of 2001, then Associate Professor at the University of Houston in the fall of 2006, she finally became Associate Professor at Seoul National University in 2009. She taught for two summers at the Aspen Music Festival, and has also been involved with the Seattle and the Cape Cod Chamber Music Festivals, the Texas Music Festival, and the Great Mountains Music Festival in Korea. Lee is a former member of the acclaimed KumHo/Asiana String Quartet, with whom she toured worldwide. In recent years she has also been in demand as a judge of violin competitions including the International IsangYun Competition, Seoul International Competition and the Corpus Christi International Competition.
She studied at Seoul National University, Peabody Conservatory, and Juilliard. Her teachers have included Nam Yun Kim, Sylvia Rosenberg, Robert Mann, Dorothy Delay, and Hyo Kang. She plays a Joseph Guarnerius violin dating from 1723.
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Sung Chan Chang |
Cellist Sung Chan Chang studied at the Seoul Ye-Won Art School with prestigious honors and the Juilliard Pre-College as a scholarship student, and graduated from The Korean National University of Arts with the Bachelor of Music degree , The Juilliard School with the Master of Music degree , and Yale University with the Artist Diploma degree, and is currently studying at Northwestern University. He won numerous competitions, including: Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra Concerto Audition, New Jersey Philharmonic Competition, 44th Annual Sorantin Young Artist International Competition, and the Juilliard Concerto Competition, Aspen Concerto Competition, BMF Competition, Joong-Ang Daily News Competition, and Northwestern Concerto/Aria Competition.
He made his debut concert with Seoul Philharmic Orchestra in 2000. He performed with American Academy of Conducting at Aspen Orchestra, Music Academy Festival Orchestra, New Jersey Philharmonic Orchestra, and Seoul National Symphony. He has appeared as a soloist and a chamber musician in KBS Hall, KNUA Hall, Kulas Hall, Kumho Art Hall, Paul and Morse Halls at Lincoln Center, Lutkin Hall, Peter Jay Sharp Theater, Seoul Arts Center Concert Hall and IBK Chamber Hall, and Sprague Hall.
Sang Kyun Kim |
Sang Kyun Kim (Violin) studied at Seoul National University and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna where he earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees and Post-graduate Diploma in violin performance. Mr. Kim has made numerous international solo appearances including performances at the Salzburg Music Festival and the Presidential Residence of the Republic of South Korea. In 2012, Mr. Kim earned his Artist Diploma from the Cleveland Institute of Music. Mr. Kim has made guest concertmaster appearances with several orchestras including Civic Orchestra of Chicago, the Ohio Philharmonic, and Memphis Symphony Orchestra.
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Susan Sunki Paik |
Susan Sunki Paik (Violin) holds performance degrees from Seoul National University and The Juilliard School, as well as diplomas from Indiana University and the Manhattan School of Music. Ms. Paik served as co-concertmaster of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago for its 2013-2014 season, and is a substitute section violinist in the Milwaukee and Indianapolis Symphony Orchestras. Ms. Paik holds a faculty position at the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestras and has provided guest instruction at Loyola University Chicago. She has appeared in performances with members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, in the Chicago Symphony’s MusicNOW series, at the Indiana University Summer Festival, and in recitals at Indiana University and Roosevelt University.
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Yonghee Hong-Park |
Yonghee Hong-Park (violin) is a faculty member at the Betty Haag Academy and a member of the En Gedi Ensemble. She attended Yewon Junior High School and the Seoul Arts High School. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Music Performance from Seoul National University and Master’ degree s from Northwestern University. She also performs violin at Carmel Presbyterian Church as a member of the church choir.
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Eunyoung Lee |
Eunyoung Lee (Violin) is currently a devoted violin teacher in her private studio. As a former member of ArsChamber Orchestra, she was actively involved in various chamber ensembles and also served as a violinist of the Bucheon Philharmonic Orchestra. She has earned degrees in music from Seoul National University and the University of Michigan.
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MeeJoo Julia Park |
MeeJoo Julia Park (Viola) graduated from Seoul Arts High school with Performance Excellence Award and Achievement Award. She is the recipient of several awards and honors at national competitions and played at the Young Musician's Festival. She received her bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and graduate diploma degree from New England Conservatory and a performance diploma degree from the Chicago College of Performing Arts. She was a violist of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and played with the PMF orchestra as a principal. She was selected for the 'Citizen Musician Fellowship' by Yo-Yo Ma and the Panel of Chicago Symphony Orchestra Principal Players in the Civic Orchestra program. She is also on the list as a substitute violist for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
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Jonas Benson |
Jonas Benson (Viola) is an active performer and teacher in the Chicago area. He is a member of the Sheridan String Quartet, the Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra, and the Peninsula Music Festival Orchestra, and performs regularly with numerous ensembles. Jonas enjoys playing contemporary music, and was recently the viola soloist for the American premier of Dobrinka Tabakova's Suite in Old Style. He holds degrees in music from the University of Minnesota and Northwestern University.
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Eunkyung Kim |
Eunkyung Kim (cello) received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in cello performance from Seoul National University and Temple University, Philadelphia. She was a member of Chicago Civic Orchestra and Incheon Philharmonic Orchestra. Currently, she is a cello technique instructor at the Township High School District 211.
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Cecilia Ham |

Cecilia Ham (cello)
Seoul Arts High School, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champagin (B.M.)
Northwestern University (M.M.)
Cello Faculty at the Music Institute of Chicago
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Teddy Niedermaier |
Teddy Niedermaier (Composer and pianist) is an Assistant Professor of Core Music Studies at Roosevelt University in Chicago. He previously taught music theory at Oberlin Conservatory and currently serves on the faculty of the European American Musical Alliance summer program in Paris. A graduate of The Juilliard School and Indiana University, he studied composition with John Corigliano, Samuel Adler, Robert Beaser, Claude Baker, and David Dzubay. His music has been performed throughout the United States and in South Korea, France, Germany, England, and Ireland. Several of Dr. Niedermaier's works are inspired by Korean culture and music, includingArirang Variations for piano, Jamwon Sonata for violin and piano, and Shinbu for orchestra.
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Eunsil Ra Kim |
Eunsil Ra Kim (Soprano) received a bachelor’s degree in voice performance at Seoul National University. She continued her music studies in Italy at the Conservatory of Music, ‘Arrigo Boito’ of Parma majoring in voice and vocal education. Currently, she serves as the conductor of Zion Choirand the Children’s Choir at Alliance Fellowship Church, Hoffman Estates, Illinois.
Ghibong Kim |
Ghibong Kim (Bariton) received a bachelor’s degree in voice performance at Seoul National University. He continued his voice studies in Italy at the Conservatory of Music, ‘Arrigo Boito’ of Parma. He taught as a voice faculty at Judson University, Elgin, Illinois, and currently serves as the music director at Alliance Fellowship Church, Hoffman Estates, IL.
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Kwiyoum Lee |
Kwiyoum Lee (Piano) holds B.S. and M.A. in Piano Performance from Seoul National University. She has been a dedicated piano teacher in her private studio for more than 15 years. Kwiyoum Lee works as an accompanist for Naperville Central High school and Young Naperville Singers. She also serves as the worship choir accompanist at Naperville Presbyterian Church.
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Misook Kim |
Misook Kim, completed her M.M. and D.M.A. degrees in composition and the certificate of piano performance at the University of Texas at Austin. In the fall of 2006, Kim joined the faculty at the Conservatory of Music at Wheaton College, IL.
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Sojung Lee Hong |
Sojung Lee Hong (Piano) studied piano at Seoul Arts High School, Seoul National University (B.M. and M.M.) and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (D.M.A.). Currently, she teaches at Judson University, Elgin, IL as Associate Professor of Music and serves as the music director at West Alliance Church, Warrenville, IL.